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Monthly Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2008 Time: 3:30 to 5:45 PM

(Jarow, and Marlow will be late)

Suzanne Post, Fire Safety Coordinator of Santa Monica Fire Department suzanne.post@smgov.net discussed department operations and how
residents can prepare themselves for disasters. For emergencies, she suggested using a land line to dial 911 rather than the cell phone which currently
connects to CHP. You can also call the SMPD dispatch number 3104588941
from your cell phone and may have to wait for assistance.
The SMFD offers Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) classes. Go to: http://www.santamonicafire.org or call 3104588761
for details or to
enroll call 3104582221.
Paul Weinberg is Emergency Services Coordinator for Santa Monica and can be reached via the website. There is also a
program called “I’ve Got 7” campaign that helps people obtain 7 days worth of supplies in case of a disaster. The campaign will take place in
September this year. Go to: http://www.redcrossofsantamonica.org for more info.


1. Introduction to OPA

2. New Items for Board Attention: none presented

3. Brief Announcements: 1) OP Blvd Green Streets Project Community Event at SMASH/John Muir 4/23 6:309
2) Longfellow Green Streets Project meeting: time/place to be determined
3) Firehouse Pancake breakfast at the Hollister Firehouse on 5/10 from 911

4. Review and Approval of March Meeting Minutes
· Motion to approve minutes: motion passed unanimously

5. Review of Board and Executive Committee Decisions Taken Since Last Meeting: Bob asked about letter in support of RIFT that went out from
OPA. ACTION: Bob will review previous meeting minutes to determine vote information taken by the board for this letter.

6. Information Items: none


7. Events Committee Report (Nafshun): $11, 900 for reimbursement for City costs has been made available in a City grant for the parade costs. No
change of route approved yet and we will try to get it approved at the next City Council meeting. Lori handed out summary of 4/11/08 Parade Planning
meeting. OPA does not have a float submission for the parade yet.

8. Followup
on action items from March meeting: Jan reviewed with the board action items from last month’s meeting. He will present proposed
changes to the bylaws
at next monthly meeting. Some members were not available to share progress on items. Follow up at next meeting.


9. Presentation on New Santa Monica Magazine: tabled until next month’s meeting

10. Presentation by Zina Josephs of Friends of Sunset Park (FOSP) on ban of Class C and D aircraft at SM Airport. Zina presented concerns from
FOSP and distributed a letter from FOSP to City Council in response to FAA proposals. She attended the meeting in order to ask for OPA board
support to endorse the FOSP position statement. Discussion followed. Motion to support FOSP and their request to ban C and D aircraft and to
endorse the FOSP position statement. Motion seconded and discussion followed. Vote: 6 yes, 1 abstention. Motion passed. ACTION: Jan or other
board member to write letter of support to FOSP

11. Followup
discussion of restriping of Ocean Park Boulevard east of Lincoln
· Previous ACTION: Taylor and Lawson were to present letter on issues for possible board approval. Bob sent out his position on this topic in email to the board. Cristyne is in recovery in the hospital. Bob suggested that a letter does not go out at this time. Motion: to approve letter for submission to board. Motion was retracted since the letter was not available for review.

12. Livability of Ocean Park: Committee Reports
· Ocean Park Boulevard (Chair: Taylor / Members: Jarow, Auch, Winterer): Bob updated meeting attendees on where the City is in the
process of the project. Next meeting, 4/23/08 at John Muir/SMASH – the city will present design ideas.
ACTION: Lori suggested and Bob agreed to mention to the city that the audience would benefit from a PowerPoint presentation versus
the smaller boards presented at the last meeting.
· Main Street (New Chair: Jarow/ Members: Taylor, Ehrlich): no report
· Traffic and Parking (Chair: none/ Members: Hubbell, Taylor): no report
· Disaster Preparedness (Chair: Ludwinski / Members: Bohannon): no further update
· General Plan (Chair: Marlow / Members: Samuel, Winterer): no report


13. Discussion of changing May meeting date to the 18th to avoid Mothers Day conflicts
· ACTION: Motion to move meeting date to 5/18/08 and start at 4 PM. Passed unanimously

14. Discussion of revision to bylaws re Board actions between meetings (Ludwinski)
· ACTION: Pancake Breakfast (5/10) event to be deemed a special member meeting to ratify changes to bylaws; however; bylaws require 35 days notice and our event will occur earlier than that timeline. No ratification of bylaws will occur at the event.

15. Discussion on OPA policy on endorsing ballot initiatives (Allard)
· Adoption of formal policy on endorsing ballot initiatives. Discussion followed. Each board member present shared comments.
ACTION: Dennis and Bob will draft up policy guidelines for this process and present it to the board for approval.

16. OPA Administration: Committee and Task Force Reports
· Events (Chair: Nafshun / Members: Hubbell, Bohannon, Marlow, Jarow, Lewis, Ehrlich): report given in item #7 on this agenda
· Membership (Chair: Jarow / Secretary: Bohannon)
i. Quarterly Membership Report (April, July, October and January meetings): Jeff verbally shared new numbers for OPA
membership. Membership is increasing. 157 paid members, total members in database 946.
ii. ACTION: Vote on OPA fiscal year/membership cycle: Motion to have 10/1/08 as the date for membership year to begin.
Motion passed unanimously
· Communications (Lewis): no report
· Community Outreach (Marlow): Flyers for Pancake breakfast on 5/10 (this is also Fire Service Day) and for the 4th of July parade are in
the works.
· Hospitality Committee (Lawson): no report
· Neighborhood Council (Representative: Hopkins): no report
· Treasurers Report (Ehrlich)
i. Quarterly Treasurers Report (April, July, October and January meetings): hard copy submitted to board
· Website (Chairs: Allard and Brand): no report

Motion to extend meeting to 6 PM, motion passed unanimously

Next Meetings:
· Saturday, May 10th, Pancake Breakfast at Hollister Firehouse, 911
· Sunday, May 17th, 4 PM, Joslyn Park
· Sunday, June 8th, 4 PM, Joslyn Park

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